🚀 Projects
• Architected and built a live fire detection system with Rust deployed on the micro-controller board.
• Created a dependable communication protocol leveraging MQTT, guaranteeing reliable and swift fire alert transmissions, upholding real-time alerts with a latency under 50ms.
• Employed ID clustering to pinpoint impacted areas like rooms and floors, based on the sensor data, attaining precise detection with a less than 3% false-positive rate.
Python, RSAutoGUI (Rust), MediaPipe, OpenCV,
• Developed a computer vision-based system to simulate system navigation using hand gesture for robotic applications.
• Implemented hand gesture recognition (HGR) using BlazePose models, achieving accurate tracking of hand and finger movements.
• Improved the system’s responsiveness and accuracy in translating gestures into mouse movements by 150-200 ms using rust implementation of pyautogui (rsautogui).
Go, Gin, Gorm, PostgreSQL, Docker, JWT
• Architected a healthcare API using Go, with features like Non-Blocking Appointment Rescheduling, role-based Access Control, and Real-Time Data Logging.
• Integrated JWT-based authentication, ensuring end-to-end security across all API endpoints.
• Achieved a significant performance uplift by optimizing PostgreSQL queries and managing resources with Go’s efficient concurrency model.